Youth Ministry Co-Op

Sunday, May 4, 2008

update 2

Well it has been almost a year since I've posted on this blog.

There are many reasons for that. Not so much that I gave up on my idea/vision, but more so life has interfered with dreaming.

The dream continues and remains. And so I take up the task again of striving towards creating a vision for youth ministry that is new and exciting.

I have decided to re-dedicate myself to this project. Hopefully you will start to see much more on this blog about the progress of moving towards creating a youth ministry co-op.

Look for updates to the proposal on the right as well as more ideas and questions that you are free and encouraged to comment on and help me hone my vision and what practical steps I need to take to fulfill it.

If you are unfamiliar with this project, please refer to the 1st post found here.

I want to maintain a sense of transparency as I embark on this. I feel that it is essential to allow myself to be open and at times vulnerable, as my motives and desires greatly influence why I am doing this. I want you the reader to catch my passion and desire to impact students in meaningful and God inspired ways.

Please pray for and with me as we think about how to love God and how to love students.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

update 1

I got a chance to do some work on the project last weekend while I was attending a day long conference on the 16th. The problem is that, I did a bit of work via, pen and paper and have not had a chance to make the transition into the document.

I hope to get some time to be able to get some more in the document soon.

Again please feel free to download the document, read it over, leave thoughts in the comments (which are under this post and say # edits) or send me an email at at gmail dot com

This project will not succeed without your help.

Stay tuned for more.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Ok folks, this is where it begins.

Let me tell you a little about why this blog exists.

I am an out of work youth minister. Meaning that I used to work with students within the context of the church to develop relationships and help people develop a deeper sense of spirituality and understanding of God and Jesus and I want back in.

I have sought out a few positions with in the world of youth ministry, but I have come to a point of departure from the current model of youth ministry.

This is my journey into the unknown...

This is a log of my attempt to create a position that does not currently exist.

It is my desire to establish a Youth Ministry Cooperation Operation or YM Co-Op. Wherein many small churches without means or ability to support a full time youth ministry will be able to join together under my direction and cultivate an holistic and missional understanding of Youth Ministry within a contemporary and postmodern context.

Please journey with me.

I hope this place will be a venue for the sharing of ideas and support from those who read this.

On the right you will find a working copy of the proposal as I work on it, it will be free for you to download and for you to comment on and edit with me. I need the help of others to make this work.

Hopefully I will be clear and articulate in my goals and intentions as I journey into the unknown. Hopefully I will get this job and this place will become a venue for me to continue to share in the journey of creating and running a YM Co-Op.

Pray with me.

Please feel free to email me at any time at Ym.Co.Op at gmail dot com