Friday, June 8, 2007


Ok folks, this is where it begins.

Let me tell you a little about why this blog exists.

I am an out of work youth minister. Meaning that I used to work with students within the context of the church to develop relationships and help people develop a deeper sense of spirituality and understanding of God and Jesus and I want back in.

I have sought out a few positions with in the world of youth ministry, but I have come to a point of departure from the current model of youth ministry.

This is my journey into the unknown...

This is a log of my attempt to create a position that does not currently exist.

It is my desire to establish a Youth Ministry Cooperation Operation or YM Co-Op. Wherein many small churches without means or ability to support a full time youth ministry will be able to join together under my direction and cultivate an holistic and missional understanding of Youth Ministry within a contemporary and postmodern context.

Please journey with me.

I hope this place will be a venue for the sharing of ideas and support from those who read this.

On the right you will find a working copy of the proposal as I work on it, it will be free for you to download and for you to comment on and edit with me. I need the help of others to make this work.

Hopefully I will be clear and articulate in my goals and intentions as I journey into the unknown. Hopefully I will get this job and this place will become a venue for me to continue to share in the journey of creating and running a YM Co-Op.

Pray with me.

Please feel free to email me at any time at Ym.Co.Op at gmail dot com

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